References - The Business Case for Less Waste

*Unless otherwise indicated quoted statistic are from NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) research

  1. A National Waste Policy: Managing Waste to 2020 – Department of Environment, 2009
  3. What’s the Deal with Business Waste? – Planet Ark 2016
  4. ibid.
  5. ibid.
  6. Social Research on Small to Medium Enterprises (SME) Waste and Recycling – NSW Environment Protection Authority, 2016
  7.  Global Corporate Sustainability Report – The Nielsen Company, 2015
  8. ibid.
  10. All Sorted – Answering the Big Recycling Questions Report – Planet Ark, 2015
  11. ibid.
  12. McFarlin, K, Correlation between productivity and morale. Small Business Chronicle, 2011
  13. All Sorted – Answering the Big Recycling Questions Report – Planet Ark, 2015