Grants now open for NSW Organics Processors
By Alejandra Laclette 27 July 2020
Grant applications for Organics Processing Infrastructure (Large and Small) are now open.
The NSW Government announced $24 million in funding to support local councils and the alternative waste industry to improve kerbside separation of food and garden waste and encourage other better uses of waste.
Grant applications for Organics Processing Infrastructure (Large and Small), are now open for an additional $3.75M that has been made available for councils and AWT facility operators to invest in processing infrastructure and transfer stations. The program is delivered as part of the Waste Less, Recycle More initiative.
The 2020 round of this stream is funded from the Phase 2 Alternative Waste Treatment (AWT) Transition Package. The transition package provides assistance for councils and AWT operators to transition to source separated organics collections and processing.
The eligible streams are:
1. Organics Processing Infrastructure:
The Organics Processing Infrastructure stream aims to improve processing capacity for source separated food and garden organics collected from households and commercial and industrial businesses across NSW to divert waste that would previously have gone to landfill.
Grants of between $25,000 and $1 million are available to NSW AWT operators (or council landowners of AWT facilities) to upgrade existing facilities to process source separated food, garden or combined food and garden organics from households and businesses. Grants may cover up to 50% of detailed design costs and capital costs for equipment.
Application form and guidelines are available from the NSW Environmental Trust website.
2. Transfer Stations:
The Transfer Stations stream aims to improve source separated food or food and garden recovery by supporting the development of new or upgraded transfer stations in the metropolitan waste levy paying area.
Grants of between $10,000 and $500,000 are available to cover up to 50% of a project's capital costs. In this round funding is only available to AWT operators and councils in the metropolitan waste levy area that have been impacted by EPA revocation of the order and exemption allowing Mixed Waste Organic Outputs (MWOO) to be applied to land.
Application form and guidelines are available from the NSW Environmental Trust website.
Visit the NSW EPA website for more information.
After supervising the sustainability educational program at her corporate job in Mexico, Alejandra moved to Australia where she worked coordinating programs that improved consumer understanding of the environmental credentials of packaging and how to dispose of it. She currently manages the Australasian Recycling Label and National Recycling Week campaigns.