Expressions of interest open for the management of Victoria’s Container Deposit Scheme
By Rachael Ridley 24 November 2021
The Victorian Government is finalising its Container Deposit Scheme (CDS), with applications from qualified organisations to run the scheme now open.
The expression of interest (EOI) is open to any metropolitan or regional business or joint venture, including social enterprises, not-for-profits and charities that can demonstrate they can deliver a world-class CDS that meets the Victorian Government’s expectations.
The scheme coordinator will manage the administration and finance and the network operators will run the collection and refund points. Applicants will need to describe how they will deliver a reliable and accessible CDS, integrate diverse approaches and technologies, and support participation by community organisations and charities. Successful applicants in the EOI will progress to a formal tender process, where they will provide detailed solutions including pricing to deliver a high-performance CDS.
Victoria’s CDS aims to have the highest number of refund collection points per person in Australia. It will have a minimum of one collection point per 14,500 people in metropolitan areas, at least one per town of 750 people in regional areas and at least one per town of 350 people in remote areas.
Establishing the CDS is part of the Victorian Government’s $515 million investment in Victoria’s waste and recycling industry.
“This is an important step to deliver Victoria’s CDS and I encourage regional and metropolitan businesses to respond”, said Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change, Lily D’Ambrosio in a statement.
The EOI will be open from 18 November 2021 to 23 December 2021. For more information, visit the Victorian Government’s website.
Rachael manages the Business Recycling and Recycling Near You websites. Rachael joined Planet Ark in early 2019 after eight years working in media and publishing as a producer, editor and writer. Rachael loves using her skills in content creation and communication to instigate positive environmental behaviour change. Outside of work, Rachael enjoys spending time in nature, listening to music and patting dogs.