
Australians throw away an estimated three million tonnes of food every year, wasting the resources used to harvest, transport, process and distribute this food. In landfill, food also produces methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. In NSW, food is a waste priority, supported by the NSW Government's Love Food Hate Waste Campaign. Non-perishable food such as tins, rice and pasta can be donated to many welfare agencies or specific charity programs. Perishables such as bread, dairy products, fresh produce can also be donated but not all organisations can accept these foods. Food scraps and coffee grounds can be composted onsite, or serviced by commercial recyclers who offer food waste bins for composting.

Coffee Grounds

Instead of being sent to landfill or flushed down the sink, coffee grounds can be recycled to produce biogas energy, compost and soil conditioners.

Cooking Oil

Cooking oil can be collected, recycled and refined into a wide variety of products, including bio-fuel and detergents.

Donations of Food

Edible food items, both perishable and non-perishable, can be given to organisations who help people in need. This also delivers huge environmental benefits.

Food Scraps

Food waste that is sent to landfill decomposes to produce potent greenhouse gases. Instead, if recycled through composting, food waste can be used to produce valuable biogas, compost and soil conditioners.

Meat Off-Cuts

Meat off-cuts in landfill can create methane or leach and contaminate ground water. Decomposing meat also creates environments for the growth of bacteria. Instead meat should be diverted from landfill and processed into a range of useful products from animal feed to soap.