Matthews Metal Management
5 Royal Street, Parkes NSW 2870
This is a supplied directory listing. Please contact the organisation directly for the most up-to-date information.
Drop Off Available
No accreditation or association membership details have been provided.
NO Pick-up available
Dropoff available
Additional information: No TVs, CRT Monitors or Printers are accepted
Open: Mon - Fri: 9am to 3pm. Only e-waste covered by the NTCRS will be accepted. For a full list visit
The following materials are accepted at Matthews Metal Management
Aluminium - Cans | |
Aluminium - Scrap | |
Car Parts | |
Computers & Accessories | |
Copper | |
Corrugated Iron | |
Iron & Steel | |
Lead | |
Other Metals | |
Whitegoods | |
Whitegoods | |
Car Parts | |
Computers & Accessories | |
Whitegoods | |
Whitegoods | |
Aluminium - Cans | |
Aluminium - Scrap | |
Copper | |
Corrugated Iron | |
Iron & Steel | |
Lead | |
Other Metals | |