
Incandescent light bulbs are inefficient and are being phased out by the Australia Government. Replacing incandescent bulbs can reduce energy and emission outputs and provide cost savings. They should be replaced with more efficient alternatives and then safely disposed.

Incandescent Light Bulbs

Why Recycle?

Incandescent light blubs produce light as a by-product of heat, making them an inefficient lighting device.  The Australia Government introduced a phase-out of incandescent light bulbs in 2009. Energy for lighting represents about 25 per cent of greenhouse emissions from the commercial sector. These emissions can be reduced by switching to alternatives like compact fluorescent bulbs (CFL's), which use about 80 per cent less energy than incandescent bulbs and can save an average user up to $15.00 per light bulb per year. When replacing Incandescent light bulbs they should not be placed in your normal glass or comingled recycling as bulbs are made from a heatproof glass that will contaminate the recycling. Instead they should be safely disposed by wrapping them so that they are safe to handle and then place them in your normal rubbish bin.  

Recycling Options

Currently there are no national recycling options for incandescent light bulbs but there are a number of commercial operators accepting mercury containing florescent lamps. Incandescent light bulbs can be safely disposed of in landfill.

What Happens When it's Recycled?

Incandescent bulbs do not contain mercury like compact fluorescent lamps (CFL's) and can be safely disposed of to landfill. They should be safely disposed of by wrapping them so that they are safe to handle and then place them in your normal rubbish bin. 

More Info & Sources

Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency
